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Pioneers add transfer for fall

June 7, 2012 | 11:29 am No comments
By Shaun Schafer

The University of Denver women’s soccer team has added Azusa Pacific transfer Laura Feehs to its2012 recruiting class, head coach Jeff Hooker announced

Feehs, who hails from Centennial, will begin play as a junior for the Pioneers this fall.

“Laura has excelled on every team she has been a part of, dating back to her days at Arapahoe High School and with her club team Real Colorado,” Hooker said. “She is a talented attacking player with a tremendous amount of heart anddetermination.  Having played with and against several of our current players, I envision Laura’s transition to be very smooth.”

Feehs, who missed most of the 2011 season due to injury, led the Cougars to a 19-2-2record in her freshman season, tallying 13 goals in 2010. Feehs was named tothe NAIA All-American Second Team and the NAIA All-Tournament Team.

At Arapahoe High School Feehs playe alongside DU teammates Kaitlin Bast and Sam Harder.

Feehs wraps up a 2012 recruiting class that also includes Christina Vargas, Francesca Garzelloni  and Taylor Ivins.


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