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Colorado’s Gatorade players of the year

May 12, 2009 | 11:45 am 7
By George Tanner

Today we look at the Gatorade players of the year for Colorado. Recognize any names?

Olivia Wagner, 2008-09, M, Alexander Dawson School
Beth West, 2007-08, M, Grandview High School
Brittney Macdonald, 2006-07, D, Mullen
Laura Engel, 2005-06, F, Greeley West
Gianna DeSaverio, 2004-05, F, Chatfield
Jordan Angeli, 2003-04, F/M/D, Green Mountain
Marianne Dalmy, 2002-03, M, Green Mountain
Fran Munnelly, 2001-02, F, Mullen
Mary McDowell, 2000-01, Wheat Ridge
Aleisha Cramer, 1999-00, M, Green Mountain
Aleisha Cramer, 1998-99, M, Green Mountain
Kelly Rheem, 1997-98, F, Araphoe

Alex Tarnoczi, 2008-09, M, Rock Canyon High School
Morgan Sacco, 2007-08, M, Greeley Central
Miguel Rosales, 2006-07, G, Smoky Hill
Miguel Rosales, 2005-06, G, Smoky Hill
Mason Bragg, 2004-05, M/F, Liberty
David Blanchard, 2003-04, M, Chatfield
Garrett Sadusky, 2002-03, M, Columbine
Daniel Wasson, 2001-02, M, Liberty
Daniel Bills, 2000-01, Horizon
David Wagenfuhr, 1999-00, M, Rampart
Conor Casey, 1998-99, F, Denver South
Matt Duntsch, 1997-98, F, Araphoe
Brian Mullan, 1996-97, F, Regis Jesuit
Wes Hart, 1995-96, M, Columbine
Wes Hart, 1994-95, M, Columbine
George Pavlantos, 1993-94, F, Chatfield
John Stratton, 1992-93, M, Horizon
Jamey Martinez, 1991-92, M/F, Canon City
Jason Stanson, 1990-91, M, Cherry Creek
Dante Panella, 1989-90, D, Evergreen
Chad Young, 1988-89, MF, Bear Creek
Robert Lipp, 1987-88, F, Rocky Mountain
Bob Davies, 1986-87, F, Cherry Creek
Chad Ashton, 1985-86, M, Ranum

I’d also like to take this time to invite you to participate in a future installment of The Tuesday List. I’m looking to put together a list of the 10 worst soccer movies ever.

Should Sylvester Stallone be a soccer player? Should Rodney Dangerfield be a coach?Should Beckham have been in that bending movie more? You tell me.

Please send your nominations to [email protected]. Include your name, where you’re from and — this is important — why you think it’s the worst soccer movie ever.

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  • Mikey said:

    Is that the Brian Mullan of Quakes/dynamo fame? If so, I’m certain I saw him play back in the day. Those Regis teams were incredible. Too much fun to watch.

  • George Tanner (author) said:

    yes, mikey, one and the same. he also is the son of my mother-in-law’s former employer. small world, eh?

  • Riccardo said:

    Hi…nice blog..compliments…i’m from rome…i would like to make an exchange of links…do you? let me know…i speak about soccer:)
    Have a good day

  • Mikey said:

    Where’s Ivy?

  • George Tanner (author) said:

    at the rec center …

  • Mikey said:

    Tell her hi for me.

  • Dr. Bowsie said:

    I was a teammate of Jamey Martinez. Probably the only one from that far south. He was a stud!

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